Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Look here, followers! [New Posting Schedule]

To help me keep up with my updates and posting, I've decided I'm going to create a schedule for myself when it comes to blogging. This is what I've come up with so far, but if all of you-- my lovely followers-- have any other suggestions, please, post them in the comments!

Every other Monday - Book Reviews
Every other Wednesday - Writing Stuff [Tips, tricks, and all that fun stuff!]
Every Thursday - Media Thursdays [New music that I like, youtube videos, book covers I've made or friends have made, and websites I like, and cool stuff like that]
Every Friday - New Finds Friday [Other blogs from writers, work from Figment or Inkpop that I like]
Every Sunday - What's Going On In My Life [Brief Updates On My Life]

Of course, there will occasionally be the random post where there is something I just absolutely HAVE to share with you, so they won't follow my schedule.

Also, the "every other thing" will go something like this: On a week where there is a book review, there won't be a "Writing Stuff" post. The week after, there will be a "Writing Stuff" but no book review.

Let me know what you all think!

This will start next week.